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Bio Diesel

  Overview of Biodiesel

Biodiesel is alternative energy to petroleum-based diesel and ismanufactured from renewable resources such as vegetable oil or animal fat.

Biodiesel, an alternative energy that has similar combustion characteristics to diesel, can be transported and sold through the existing facilities; therefore, it is compatible with green growth and green products and is regarded as a compelling alternative to fossil fuels, the most crucial transportation energy resources. As a result, its share as an energy resource is on the rise in accordance with the support of national governments.

   Reaction Mechanism

  • Reaction process of biodiesel

  • Biodiesel has similar characteristics as ordinary diesel, in that it is a material purified by transesterification of vegetable and animal oils and alcohol (mainly methanol).

  • Molecular structure of bio diesel

  • Bio diesel is a methyl ester substance with a C14~C24 hydrocarbon chain similar to light oil (C10~C21), but has a molecular structure containing oxygen.

   Features of biodiesel

Environment benefits of biodiesel

  • Small amount in air-toxics and carcinogen
  • No possibility of emitting sulfur oxide
  • Reduction of CO2
  • Complete combustion by containing oxygen in the fuel

Eco-friendliness of biodiesel

  • Low emissions of smoke and carbohydrate particles
  • It does not contain SO2, CO and aromatic hydrocarbon
  • It contains 11%(Wt%) of oxygen
  • Environmentally safe biodegradability

   Biodiesel fuel oil

Biodiesel fuel oil is a fuel with a blend of 80% of diesel for cars and 20% of bio diesel, domestically referred as BD20

The supply of biodiesel fuel oil (BD20): a vehicle equipped with self-maintenance facility and a petroleum station, which can be maintained.

  •  · Buses, trucks and construction machinery owned by designated operators
  •  · Railroad cars in use for transportation in the premises of designated operators
  •  · buses, trucks and construction machinery operated by administrative organizations such as regional governments

  The status of biodiesel


Mandate of blending 3.5% biodiesel


Mandate of blending 3% biodiesel


Mandate of blending 2.5% biodiesel


Announcement of the second plan of mid and long-term biodiesel supply ((Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy)

· Mandate of blending 2.% biodiesel into diesel oil until 2015  


Announcement of the plan of the mid and long term biodiesel supply (Five government agencies)

· Increase in blending rate of biodiesel to diesel oil by 0.5% each year.

· Blending 3% of biodiesel in diesel oil, with an aim for 5% in the mid to long term goal.


The Commercialization of biodiesel

· Preparing for the system of biodiesel commercialization

Legislation of related laws: The implementation of full amendment in form of Alternative Fuel Business Act.

· Signing a voluntary agreement between the government and refiners to supply biodiesel (March 2006)

· Commercialization of internationally widely supplied BD5 instead of BD20

· Supply 0.5% of biodiesel in diesel across the nation


Started and expanded the biodiesel supply pilot scheme

· Reduced dependency on oil and supply of biodiesel to improve the environment

· Pilot scheme for supplying BD20 (20% biodiesel)

· In Seoul Metropolitan Area and North/South of Chellado setting up 334 gas stations


Decision of the pilot scheme of supplying biodiesel

· As a preparation for the World Cup 2002, decision to use ultra-low sulfur diesel to improve air quality (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy)

  Biodiesel blending ratio

Applicable year 2006~2007 2008 2009 2010.01~2015 2015.08~2017 2018.01~2020 2021.07~2023
Compulsory rate 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5%
Increase rate +100% +50% +33% +25% +20% +16%

  Biodiesel quality standard

Items Quality standard

Test method

the content of fatty acid methyl ester (% by weight) 96.5 % or more

KS M 2413, PrEN14103

flash point(℃) 120 or more KS M ISO 2719
kinematic viscosity(㎟/s, 40℃) 1.9 to 5.0 KS M 2014
residual carbon content 0.1 or less KS M ISO 10370
sulfur (mg/kg) 10 or less KS M 2027
ash (weight %) 0.01 or less KS M ISO 6245
copper plate corrosion 1 or less KS M 2018
density @15℃(kg/㎥) 860~ 900 less KS M 2002
moisture (weight %) 0.05 or less KS M ISO 12937
solid impurities 24 or less EN 12662
The total acid number 0.50 or less KS M ISO 6618
total glycerol 0.24 or less KS M 2412
monoglyceride 0.80 or less KS M 2412
diglyceride 0.20 or less KS M 2412
triglyceride 0.20 or less KS M 2412
free glycerol 0.02 or less KS M 2412
oxidation stability 6 or more EN 14112
methanol 0.2 or less EN 14110
alkali metal (mg/kg) Na + K 5 or less EN14108, EN14109
Ca + Mg 5 or less Pr EN 14538
phosphorus 10 or less EN 14107
cold filter plugging point 0 or less KS M 2411
  • 1. Cold filter plugging point is applied from cold weather ( from November 15 to February 28 of the following year)
  • 2. KS M 2413 test method is applied to biodiesel made from vegetable raw materials